The Importance of Follow Through

Dear [NAME],

Imagine: A potential buyer sees your home and calls the listed real estate agent. A day passes. The buyer hears nothing, but sees another house and calls that agent. The agent for the second property arranges an immediate showing. An offer is made. The next afternoon, the agent for your home finally returns the buyer's call, only to be told "never mind."

My name is [NAME], and I'm a [REALTOR®/AGENT/BROKER] who understands the importance of personal attention and immediate follow through. I'm not in a position to know why your listing just expired without a sale, but if you relist your home with me, you'll never have to worry about calls from prospective buyers languishing unreturned for many hours or days. I promptly reply to all inquiries and will arrange for a showing right away, before your buyer can move on to another property.

Of course, returning calls isn't the only part of selling your home where follow through is important. Feedback from prospective buyers can be crucial, yet many agents neglect this key aspect of the sales process. Once a potential buyer has visited your property, I'll be sure to call their agent for feedback. Even if they don't make an offer. Especially if they don't make an offer. We need to find out why not. There may be something we can change or improve, and that improvement could make the difference with the next buyer, if not this one.

I guarantee that if a potential buyer shows interest in your home, I'll be on the ball and not preoccupied with a million different priorities. You are my priority. I'll contact you at least once a week with updates, so you'll never have to guess how the sale of your most valuable asset is progressing.

Please give me a call today at [PHONE] to discuss the renewal of your listing, or visit my Web site at [WEB ADDRESS] to learn more about the professional, individualized real estate services I provide.
