Renewal of Your Listing Letter No. 2

Dear [NAME],

As your [REALTOR®/AGENT/BROKER], I was very disappointed when your home's listing expired without a sale. I'm sure you feel the same way.

On the other hand, I'm more determined than ever to sell your property! I've already performed a comprehensive analysis exploring why your home hasn't sold yet, and I've got some great new ideas to achieve your desired outcome during the next listing period.

I realize you have other options and might be tempted to explore them, but no other [REALTOR®/AGENT/BROKER] will have as much invested in selling your property, because no one else has already spent the amount of time with it that I have.

My detailed analysis is based on the firsthand experience of seeing which elements of our recent sales campaign got a positive response and which ones didn't. If you choose to retain me as your [REALTOR®/AGENT/BROKER] when you relist your property, you'll be the beneficiary of a new strategy that takes all of these observations into account.

In today's market, many homes take longer than expected to sell. Nonetheless, after carefully studying the data from the past few months, I've created an innovative new marketing plan, which I believe will attract the attention of prospective buyers in short order.

You are a valued client, and you deserve the best service possible. Please call me at your earliest convenience at [PHONE] to arrange a meeting to discuss the results of my analysis.

I appreciate your patience and loyalty, and I look forward to living up to the trust you've placed in me.
